corruption blemish, fault, bad condition, defect; depravity, corrupted state; usually -˚, as khetta˚ blight of the field Mil.360; tiṇa˚ spoilt by weeds Dhp.356; Pv-a.7; visa ill effect of poison Thag.758, Thag.768; sneha˚ blemish of sensual affection Snp.66. Four kasiṇa-dosā at Vism.123; eighteen making a Vihāra unsuitable at Vism.118 sq
■ Ja.ii.417; Ja.iii.104; Mil.330 (sabba-d
■ virahita faultless); DN-a.i.37, DN-a.i.141
■ pl. dosā the (three) morbid affections, or disorder of the (3) humours Mil.43; adj with disturbed humours Mil.172, cp. DN-a.i.133.
Sk. doṣa to an Idg. *deu(s) to want, to be inferior etc. (cp. dussati), as in Gr. δέομαι, δεύομαι
anger, ill-will evil intention, wickedness, corruption, malice, hatred In most freq. combination of either rāga (lust) d. & moha; (delusion), or lobha (greed) d. moha (see rāga & lobha) to denote the 3 main blemishes of character. For defn see Vism.295 & Vism.470. Interpreted at Cnd.313 as “cittassa āghāto paṭighāto paṭigho… kopo… kodho… vyāpatti.”-The distinction between dosa & paṭigha is made at DN-a.i.116 as: dosa = dubbalakodha; paṭigha = balavakodha
■ In combination lobha d moha e.g. SN.i.98; MN.i.47, MN.i.489; AN.i.134, AN.i.201; AN.ii.191 AN.iii.338; Iti.45 (tīṇi akusalamūlāni). With rāga moha;: Dhp.20; Iti.2 = Iti.6; with rāga & avijjā; Iti.57; rāga & māna; Snp.270, Snp.631 etc
■ See for ref.: Vin.i.183; DN.iii.146, DN.iii.159, DN.iii.182, DN.iii.214, DN.iii.270; SN.i.13, SN.i.15, SN.i.70; SN.v.34 sq. MN.i.15, MN.i.96 sq., MN.i.250 sq., MN.i.305; AN.i.187; AN.ii.172, AN.ii.203 AN.iii.181; Snp.506; Iti.2 (dosena duṭṭhāse sattā gacchanti duggatiṃ); Pts.i.80 sq., Pts.i.102; Pp.16, Pp.18; Dhs.418, Dhs.982 Dhs.1060; Vb.86, Vb.167, Vb.208, Vb.362; Ne.13, Ne.90; Sdhp.33 Sdhp.43
■ Variously characterised as: 8 purisa-dosā Vb.387; khila, nīgha, mala SN.v.57; agati (4 agati-gamanāni chanda, d. moha, bhaya) DN.iii.228, cp. DN.iii.133, DN.iii.182; ajjhattaṃ AN.iii.357 sq.; its relation to kamma AN.i.134; AN.iii.338 AN.v.262; to ariyamagga SN.v.5, SN.v.8
■ sadosa corrupted depraved, wicked DN.i.80; AN.i.112; adosa absence of ill-will, adj. kind, friendly, sympathetic AN.i.135, AN.i.195, AN.i.203 AN.ii.192; Vb.169, Vb.210; Dhs.33 (cp. Dhs. trsl. 21, 99) Vv-a.14 (+ alobha amoha).
- -aggi the fire of anger or ill-will DN.iii.217; SN.iv.19 sq. Iti.92 (+ rāgaggi moh˚); Ja.i.61;
- -antara (adj.) bearing anger, intending evil in one’s heart Vin.ii.249; DN.iii.237; MN.i.123; AN.i.59; AN.iii.196 sq.; AN.v.81 (opp. metta-citta) perhaps at Pv-a.78 (for des˚);
- -kkhaya the fading away dying out of anger or malice SN.iii.160, SN.iii.191; SN.iv.250 SN.v.8; Vb.73, Vb.89;
- -gata = dosa (+ paṭigha) SN.iv.71
- -garu full of anger SN.i.24;
- -dosa (: dosa1) spoilt by anger Dhp.357;
- -saññita connected with ill-will Iti.78;
- -sama like anger Dhp.202;
- -hetuka caused by evil intention or depravity AN.v.261 (pāṇātipāta). Dosaniya, Dosaniya & Dosaneyya;
Sk. dveṣa, but very often not distinct in meaning from dosa1. On dveṣa see under disa