
honey Ja.i.157 sq.; Ja.iv.117; Dhp.69 (madhū vā read as madhuvā); Mhvs.5, Mhvs.53; Dhs-a.330; Dhp-a.ii.197 (alla fresh honey)
■ pl. madhūni Mhvs.5, Mhvs.31
■ The Abhp (533) also gives “wine from the blossom of Bassia latifolia” as meaning
■ On madhu in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 121.

  • -atthika (madh˚) at Ja.iii.493 is with variant reading to be read madhu-tthika (q.v. below). The proposal of Kern’s (


    s. v.) to read madh’ aṭṭhika “with sweet kernels cannot be accepted. The C. explains rightly by “madhura-phalesu pakkhitta-madhu viya, madhura-phalo hutvā.”

  • -atthika (madhu˚) desirous of honey, seeking honey Ja.iv.205; Mhvs.5, Mhvs.50.

  • -āpaṇa (madhv˚) honey shop Mhvs.5, Mhvs.52.

  • -āsava (madhv˚) honey extract wine from the flower of Bassia latifolia Vv-a.73 (as one of the 5 kinds of intoxicating liquors).

  • -kara “honey-maker,” bee Ja.iv.265; Vism.136 (in simile) Dhp-a.i.374.

  • -gaṇḍa honey-comb Mhvs.22, Mhvs.42; Mhvs.34, Mhvs.52

  • -tthika madhu + thika, which latter stands for thīya fr. styā to congeal, drip; see thika, thīna, thīya and theva dripping with honey, full of honey Ja.iii.493 (so read for madh-atthika); (= madhuṃ paggharanto C.). Kern,


    s. v. unnecessarily reads as ˚atthika which he takes = ˚aṭṭhika.

  • -da giving honey, liberal Mhvs.5, 60 (Asoka)

  • -paṭala honey-comb Ja.i.262 Dhp-a.i.59 Dhp-a.iii.323

  • -piṇḍikā a ball of honey (to eat), honey-food, a meal with honey Vin.i.4 MN.i.114

  • -pīta having drunk honey, drunk with honey SN.i.212

  • -(b)bata “courting honey,” a bee Dāvs.iii.65

  • -bindu a drop of honey Vism 531 Vb-a.146 (˚giddha in comparison)

  • -makkhitā smeared with honey Ja.i.158

  • -madhuka dripping with honey, full of honey

  • -mehika referring to a particular disease madhumeha (“honey-urine,” diabetes?) Vin.iv.8

  • -laṭṭhikā liquorice (no reference?); cp. Laṭṭhi-madhukavana Ja.i.68

  • -lāja sweet corn Ja.iv.214 Ja.iv.281

  • -vāṇija honey seller Mhvs.5, 49

  • -ssava flowing with honey Pv.ii.9#11

cp. Vedic madhu, Gr. μέχυ wine, Lith. medùs honey, midùs wine, Ohg. metu = Ger. met wine. Most likely to root *med to be full of juice: see under madati