to move, go on, proceed to happen, take place, to be; to be in existence; to fare to do Snp.p.13 (parivesanā vattati distribution of food was in progress); Snp.654 (kammanā vattati loko keeps up, goes on); Pv.ii.9#44 (vatteyya); Mil.338 (na ciraṃ vattate bhavo)
grd vattabba to be proceeded, or simply “to be” Vin.ii.8 (so read for vatth˚): nissāya te v. “thou must remain under the superintendence of others” (Vin. Texts, ii.344)
■ Often equal to atthi or (pl.) santi, i.e. is (are), e.g.; Snp-a.100 (bāḷhā vedanā vattanti); Pv-a.40
ppr med. vattamāna see sep
pp vatta
caus vatteti to make go on, to keep up, practise, pursue Snp.404 (etaṃ vattayaṃ pursuing this); freq. in phrases vasaṃ vatteti to exercise power, e.g. Pv-a.89; and cakkaṃ vatteti to wield royal power, to govern (cp. expression cakkavattin & see pavatteti) Snp.554, Snp.684 (vattessati), Snp.693 (dhamma-cakkaṃ); Ja.iii.412
grd vattitabba to be practised Vin.ii.32
pp vattita.
Vedic vartate; vṛt. A differentiated P. form is vaṭṭati. Cp. Av. varət to turn, Sk. vartana turning vartulā = Lat. vertellum = E. whorl (Ger. wirtel) & vertil Gr. ῥατάνη; Goth. waírpan = Ger. werden (to become, E “turn”); Goth. waírps = E. wards; Obulg. vrěteno spindle; and many others (e.g. Lat. vertex, vortex), q. v Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. verto