
  1. lit. an outer door, a gate, entrance Vin.i.15; SN.i.58 SN.i.138, SN.i.211; Ja.i.346; Ja.ii.63; Ja.vi.330; Vb.71 sq.; Pv-a.4, Pv-a.67 (village gate), Pv-a.79; Sdhp.54, Sdhp.356
    ■ That d. cannot be used for an inner door see Vin.ii.215; on knocking at a d. see DN-a.i.252; cp. Dhp-a.i.145 (dvāraṃ ākoṭeti); to open a door: āvarati; to shut: pidahati; to lock thaketi. dvāraṃ alabhamāna unable to get out Vin.ii.220
    mahā˚; the main or city gate Ja.i.63; culla˚ Ja.ii.114; catu˚; (adj.) having 4 doors (of niraya) Pv.i.10#13; cha˚; with 6d. (nagaraṃ, w. ref. to the 6 doors of the senses, see below) SN.iv.194; pure˚; the front d Ja.ii.153; pacchima˚; the back d. Ja.vi.364; uttara˚; the E. gate (Pv-a.74); nagara˚; the city gate (Ja.i.263; deva Dhp-a.i.280); gāma˚; the village g. (Vin.iii.52; Ja.ii.110) ghara˚; (Ja.iv.142; Pv-a.38) & geha˚; (Pv-a.61) the house door; antepura˚; the door of the inner chamber MN.ii.100 kula˚; the doors of the clan-people Snp.288
    ■ metaph. of the door leading to Nibbāna: amata˚; SN.i.137; AN.v.346.
  2. (fig.) the doors = in- & outlets of the mind, viz. the sense organs; in phrase indriyesu gutta-dvāra (adj. guarding the doors with respect to the senses or faculties (of the mind): see gutta (e.g. SN.ii.218; SN.iv.103 & cp; Dhs. trsl. p. 175)
    ■ SN.iv.117, SN.iv.194 (with simile of the 6 gates of a city); Vv-a.72 (kāya-vacī˚). The nine gates of the body at Vism.346. Thus also in f. abstr. guttadvāratā the condition of well protected doors (see gutta).

-kavāṭa a door post Ja.i.63; Ja.ii.334; Ja.vi.444; Pv-a.280 -koṭṭhaka gāma* a village outside the city gates, i.e. a suburb (cp. bahidvāragāma Ja.i.361) Ja.iii.126 (˚gāmaka), Ja.iii.188, Ja.iv.225; Dhp-a.ii.25 (˚ka); -toraṇa a gateway Ja.iii.431 -pānantara at Ja.vi.349 should be read ˚vātapānantara -pidahana shutting the door Vism.78. -bāhā a door post SN.i.146; Pv.i.5#1; Dhp-a.iii.273; -bhatta food scattered before the door Snp.286; -vātapāna a door-window Vin.ii.211; Ja.vi.349; -sālā a hall with doors MN.i.382 MN.ii.61.

Ved. dvār (f.) & dvāra (nt.), base; *dhvār, cp. Av. dvarəm; Gr. χύρ ̈α, χυρών; Lat. fores (gate), forum Goth. daúr, Ohg. turi = Ger. tür, Ags. dor = E. door.