
husk of grain, chaff AN.i.242 (together w. other qualities of corn); Ja.iv.8; Vism.346. athusa DN.iii.199.

  • -aggi a fire of husks Ne.23;
  • -odaka gruel (= sabbasambhārehi kataṃ sovīrakaṃ Pp-a.232) DN.i.166; AN.i.295 = Pp.55;
  • -pacchi a bird stuffed with chaff, a straw-bird Ja.i.242;
  • -piṇḍa a lump of husks Vin.ii.151
  • -rāsi a heap of h. Dhp-a.i.309;
  • -homa an oblation of h DN.i.9 (= DN-a.i.93; variant reading BB kana, for kaṇa; cp. kaṇahoma DN.i.9).

Vedic tuṣa (m.)