- hand DN.i.124; AN.i.47; Snp.610; Ja.vi.40
■ forearm Vin.iv.221; of animals SN.v.148; Ja.i.149; -pāda hand and foot MN.i.523; AN.i.47; Ja.ii.117; Pv-a.241; Dhp-a.iv.7. sahassa˚; thousand-armed Mhvs.30, Mhvs.75; pañca˚; having five hands Ja.v.425; Ja.v.431 (mukhassa ceva catunnaṃ ca caranāṇaṃ vasena etaṃ vuttaṃ); kata˚; a practised hand, practised (of an archer) SN.i.62; AN.ii.48; Ja.iv.211
■ hatthe karoti to bring under one’s hand, to take possession of, to subdue Ja.vi.490; hatthaṃ gacchati to come under somebody’s hand, to come under the sway of Ja.i.179; hatthaga being in the power of; hatthagata fallen into the hand or possession of, hatthappatta what one can put one’s hand on, i.e. “before his very eyes” Vin.i.15. As -hattha in hand, -handed; e.g. daṇḍa˚; stick in hand Ja.i.59; ritta˚; empty-handed Sdhp.309; vīṇā˚; lute in hand Mhvs.30, Mhvs.75. Cp. sa˚; with one’s own hand. - the hand as measure, a cubit Ja.i.34, Ja.i.233 (asīti˚, q.v.) Mhvs.38, Mhvs.52; Vism.92 (nava˚ sāṭaka).
- a handful a tuft (of hair) Vv-a.197.
-aṅguli finger Pv-a.124 (+ pādanguli toe). -aṭṭhika hand-bone Kp-a.49. -antara a cubit Vism.124. -āpalekhana licking the hands (to clean them after eating-cp. the 52nd Sekhiya Vin.iv.198) DN.i.166 DN.iii.40; MN.i.77, MN.i.238, MN.i.307; AN.i.295 (variant reading ˚āva˚); Pp.55 -ābharaṇa bracelet Vin.ii.106. -ābhijappana (nt.) incantations to make a man throw up his hands DN.i.11; DN-a.i.97. -ālaṅkāra a (wrist) bracelet wristlet Vv-a.167. -kacchapaka making a hollow hand Ja.iii.505. -kamma manual work, craft, workmanship labour Ja.i.220; Dhp-a.i.98, Dhp-a.i.395; Dhp-a.iv.64. -gata received come into the possession of Ja.i.446; Ja.ii.94, Ja.ii.105; Vv-a.149; (nt.) possession Ja.vi.392. -gahaṇa seizing by the hand Vin.iv.220. -cchinna whose hand is cut off MN.i.523; Mil.5. -ccheda cutting off the hand Ja.i.155 (read sugatiyā va hatthacchedādi). -cchedana = ˚cheda Ja.iv.192; Dhp-a.iii.482. -tala palm of the hand Vv-a.7 -ttha [cp. Sk. hasta-stha, of sthā ] lit. standing in the hand of somebody, being in somebody’s power (cp hattha-gata); used as abstr. hatthattha (nt.) power captivity, -ṃ gacchati & āgacchati; to come into the power of (gen.), to be at the mercy of [cp. hattha-gata & hatthaṃ gacchati] Ja.ii.383 (āyanti hatthatthaṃ), Ja.iv.420, Ja.iv.459; Ja.v.346 (˚ṃ āgata). As pp. hatth-attha-gata in somebody’s power Ja.i.244; Ja.iii.204; Ja.vi.582. An abstr. is further formed fr. hatthattha as hatthatthatā Ja.v.349 (˚taṃ gata). The BSk. equivalent is hastatvaṃ Mvu.ii.182. -pajjotikā hand-illumination, scorching of the hand (by holding it in a torch), a kind of punishment MN.i.87; AN.i.47; AN.ii.122; Mil.197; Mnd.154. -patāpaka a coal-pan, heating of the hand Vv.33#32; Vv-a.147; see mandāmukhi
■ pasāraṇa stretching out one’s hand Vism.569. -pāsa the side of the hand, vicinity Vin.iv.221, Vin.iv.230. -bandha a bracelet DN.i.7; DN-a.i.89 -vaṭṭaka hand-cart Vin.ii.276. -vikāra motion of the hand Ja.iv.491. -sāra hand-wealth, movable property Dhp-a.i.240; Ja.i.114; DN-a.i.216.
fr. hṛ; cp. Vedic hasta