- multitude, assemblage Mil.403 (kāka˚); Ja.i.52 (sakuṇa˚); Snp.589 (ñāti˚); Snp.680 (deva˚) DN.iii.23 (miga˚); Vv.5#5 (accharā˚ = samūha Vv-a.37) bhikkhu˚; an assembly of Buddhist priests AN.i.56, etc. DN.i.1, etc.; SN.i.236; Sum SN.i.230, SN.i.280; Vin.i.16; Vin.ii.147 bhikkhunī˚; an assembly of nuns SN.v.360; Vin.i.140 sāvaka˚; an assembly of disciples AN.i.208; DN.ii.93; SN.i.220; Pv-a.195, etc.; samaṇa˚; an assembly of ascetics Snp.550.
- the Order, the priesthood, the clergy, the Buddhist church AN.i.68, AN.i.123, etc.; DN.i.2, etc.; DN.iii.102 DN.iii.126, DN.iii.193, DN.iii.246; SN.iv.270 sq.; Snp.227, etc.; Ja.ii.147, etc. Dhs.1004; Iti.11, Iti.12, Iti.88; Vin.i.102, Vin.i.326; Vin.ii.164, etc.
- a larger assemblage, a community AN.ii.55 = Sv.400; MN.i.231 (cp. gaṇa)
■ On the formula Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha see dhamma C 2.
- -ānussati meditation on the Order (a kammaṭṭhāna DN.iii.250, DN.iii.280; AN.i.30; Ja.i.97.
- -ārāma a residence for members of the Order Ja.i.94; Vb-a.13.
- -kamma an act or ceremony performed by a chapter of bhikkhus assembled in solemn conclave Vin.i.123 (cp. Vin.i.53, Vin.i.143 & expln at S.B.E. xxii.7); Vin.iii.38 sq.; Ja.i.341.
- -gata gone into the sangha, joining the community MN.i.469.
- -thera senior of the congregation Vin.ii.212, Vin.ii.303.
- -bhatta food given to the community of bhikkhus Vin.i.58; Vin.ii.109 Vin.ii.212.
- -bhinna schismatic Vin.v.216.
- -bheda causing dissension among the Order Vin.i.150; Vin.ii.180 sq. AN.ii.239 sq.; Iti.11; Tikp.167, Kp.171;; Vb-a.425 sq.
- -bhedaka causing dissension or divisions schismatic Vin.i.89, Vin.i.136, Vin.i.168; Iti.11.
- -māmaka devoted to the Sangha Dhp-a.i.206.
- -rāji (= rāji2) dissension in the Order Vin.i.339; Vin.ii.203 = Vb-a.428; Vin.iv.37.
fr. saṃ + hṛ; lit. “comprising.” The quâsi pop. etym. at Vv-a.233 is “diṭṭhi-sīla-sāmaññena sanghāṭabhāvena sangha”