shoulder; in cpd. assapuṭa shoulder-bag, knapsack i.e. a bag containing provisions instr. assupuṭena with provisions. Later exegesis has interpreted this as a bag full of ashes, and vv.ll. as well as Commentators take assa = bhasma ashes (thus also Morris J.P.T.S. 1893, 10 without being able to give an etymology). The word was already misunderstood by Bdhgh. when he explained the Dīgha passage by bhasmapuṭena sīse chārikaṃ okiritvā ti attho DN-a.i.267. After all it is the same as puṭaṃsa (see under aṃsa1)
■ DN.i.98, cp. AN.ii.242 (variant reading bhasma˚); DN-a.i.267 (variant reading bhassa˚).
for aṃsa1, q.v. for etym.
corner, point; occurs only in cpd. caturassa four-cornered, quadrangular, regular (of symmetrical form, Vin.ii.316; Ja.iv.46, Ja.iv.492; Pv.ii.1#19 Perhaps also at Thig.229 (see under assa3). Occurs also in form caturaṃsa under catur).
for aṃsa2 = Sk. aśra point, corner, cp. Sk. aśri, Gr. α ̓́κρος & ὀςύς sharp, Lat. acer
a horse; often mentioned alongside of and combd. with hatthi (elephant) Vin.iii.6 (pañcamattehi assa-satehi), Vin.iii.52 (enumerated under catuppadā, quadrupeds with hatthi oṭṭha goṇa gadrabha & pasuka); AN.ii.207 AN.v.271; Snp.769 (gavâssa). At Thig.229 the commentary explains caturassa as ʻfour in hand’; but the context shows that the more usual sense of caturassa (see assa2 was probably what the poet meant; Dhp.94, Dhp.143, Dhp.144 (bhadra, a good horse), Dhp.380 (id.); Vv.20#3 (+ assatarī) Vv-a.78; Dhp-a.i.392 (hatthi-assâdayo); Sdhp.367 (duṭṭh˚).
-ājāniya [cp. BSk. aśvājāneya Divy.509, Divy.511] a thoroughbred horse, a blood horse AN.i.77, AN.i.244; AN.ii.113 sq., AN.ii.250 sq.; AN.iii.248, AN.iii.282 sq.; AN.iv.188, AN.iv.397; AN.v.166, AN.v.323; Pv-a.216 See also ājāniya
■ āroha one who climbs on a horse, a rider on horseback, Name of an occupation “cavalry” DN.i.51 (+ hatthâroha; expld. at DN-a.i.156 by sabbe pi assācariyaassavejja-assabhaṇḍādayo). -kaṇṇa Name of a tree, Vatica Robusta, lit. “horse-ear” (cp. similarly Goth. aíhva-tundi the thornbush, lit. horse-tooth) Ja.ii.161; Ja.iv.209; -khaluṅka an inferior horse (“shaker”), opp. sadassa. AN.i.287 = AN.iv.397. -tthara a horse cover, a horse blanket Vin.i.192; DN.i.7 -damma a horse to be tamed, a fierce horse, a stallion AN.ii.112; ˚sārathi a horse trainer AN.ii.112, AN.ii.114; AN.v.323 sq.; Dhp-a.iv.4. -potaka the young of a horse, a foal or colt Ja.ii.288. -bandha a groom Ja.ii.98; Ja.v.449; Dhp-a.i.392. -bhaṇḍa (for ˚bandha? or should we read ˚paṇḍaka?) a groom or horse-trainer, a trader in horses Vin.i.85 (see on form of word Kern,
p. 35) -bhaṇḍaka horse-trappings Ja.ii.113. -maṇḍala circus Vism.308, cp. MN.i.446. -maṇḍalika exercising-ground Vin.iii.6. -medha Name of a sacrifice: the horse-sacrifice [Vedic aśvamedha as Np.] SN.i.76 (variant reading sassa˚); Iti.21 (+ purisamedha); Snp.303. -yuddha a horse-fight DN.i.7 -rūpaka a figure of a horse, a toy horse Dhp-a.ii.69 (+ hatthi-rūpaka). -lakkhaṇa (earning fees by judging the marks on a horse DN.i.9. -laṇḍa horse-manure, horsedung Dhp-a.iv.156 (hatthi-laṇḍa +). -vāṇija a horsedealer Vin.iii.6. -sadassa a noble steed of the horse kind AN.i.289 = AN.iv.397 (in comparison with purisa˚).
Vedic aśva, cp. Av. aspō; Gr. ι ̔́ππος, dial. ι ̔́κκος; Lat. equus; Oir. ech; Gall. epo-; Cymr. ep, Goth. aíhva; Os ehu; Ags. eoh
is gen. dat. sg. of ayaṃ, this.
3 sg. Pot. of asmi (see atthi).