ti FIXME double
adverb the apostrophe form of iti, thus. See iti.
cp. Sk. iti
base of numeral three in compound; consisting of three, threefold; in numerical compounds also three (3 times).
-kaṭuka threefold spices (kaṭuka-bhaṇḍa) Vv-a.186 -gāvuta a distance of 3/4 of a league (i.e. about 2 miles), Dhp-a.i.108 (less than yojana, more than usabha), Dhp-a.i.131, Dhp-a.i.396; Dhp-a.ii.43, Dhp-a.ii.61, Dhp-a.ii.64, Dhp-a.ii.69; Dhp-a.iii.202, Dhp-a.iii.269; Vv-a.227; B. on SN.i.52 (sarīra); -catu three or four Dhp-a.i.173; -cīvara (nt.) the 3 robes of a bhikkhu consisting of: diguṇā sanghāṭi, ekacciya uttarāsanga ekacciya antaravāsaka Vin.i.289, Vin.i.296; Vin.ii.302. ticīvarena avippavāsa Vin.i.109 sq
■ Vism.60, Vism.66; Dhp-a.iv.23. -tālamattaṃ 3 palm-trees high Dhp-a.ii.62 -daṇḍa 1 a tripod as one of the requisites of a hermit to place the water-pot on (kuṇḍikā) Ja.i.8 (tidaṇḍakuṇḍikādike tāpasa-parikkhārā), Ja.i.9 (hanging from the kāja); Ja.ii.317 (see tedaṇḍika). 1 part of a chariot AN.iv.191 (variant reading daṇḍa only). -diva the 3 heavens (that is the Tāvatiṃsa heaven) DN.ii.167, DN.ii.272 (tidivûpapanna) SN.i.96 (˚ṃ ṭhānaṃ upeti), SN.i.181 (ākankha-māno ˚ṃ anuttaraṃ). -pada [cp. Vedic tripad or tripād, Gr. τρίπους Lat. tripes: tripod] consisting of 3 feet or (in prosody of 3 padas Snp.457 (w. ref. to metre Sāvittī); -(p)pala threefold Vism.339; -pallattha “turning in 3 ways, i.e. skilled in all occupations (Kern, Toev.: zeer listig Ja.i.163 (of miga; Com. expl. as lying on 3 sides of its lair); -piṭaka the 3 Piṭakas Vism.62, Vism.241; Dhp-a.i.382 -peṭaka = tepiṭaka Mil.90; tipeṭakin at Vin.v.3 -maṇḍala (nt.) the 3 circles (viz. the navel & the 2 knees) Vin.ii.213 (-ṃ paṭicchādento parimaṇḍalaṃ nivāsento); cp. Vin. Texts i.155; -yojana a distance of 3 leagues, i.e. 20 miles, or fig. a long dist.; Vism.392 (tiyojanika setacchatta); Dhp-a.ii.41 (˚magga); Vv-a.75 (˚mattake vihāraṃ agamāsi); Pv-a.216 (sā ca pokkharaṇī Vesaliyā ˚mattake hoti); ˚satika 300 cubits long Ja.ii.3 -loka the 3 worlds (i.e. kāma, rūpa, arūpa-loka) Sdhp.29, Sdhp.276, Sdhp.491 (cp. tebhūmaka); -vagga consisting of 3 divisions or books DN-a.i.2 (Dīghāgamo vaggato t. hoti) -(v)aṅgika having 3 angas (of jhāna) Dhs.161; -vassika for the 3 seasons (-gandha-sālibhattaṃ bhuñjantā) Dhp-a.ii.9; Ja.i.66 (id.); -vidha 3 fold, of sacrifice (yañña DN.i.128, DN.i.134, DN.i.143; of aggi (fire) Ja.i.4 & Mil.97; Vism.147 (˚kalyāṇatā). -visākha a three-forked frown on the forehead SN.i.118; MN.i.109; -sandhi consisting of 3 spaces Ja.vi.397 (tāya senāya Mithilā t
■ parivāritā) explained as an army made up of elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry, with a space between each two.
Vedic tris, Av. priś, Gr. τρίς, Lat. ter (fr. ters → *tris, cp. testis → *tristo, trecenti → *tricenti), Icl. prisvar Ohg. driror